Nursery Care
Here at St. Andrew's, we welcome children of all ages to join our Nursery Care Program on Sunday mornings during the worship service. Our bright facility is filled with toys and books, and staffed by a certified childcare expert.

Our Kid's Words
​Our kids at St. Andrew’s United said these things!
In our church, we:
1. We hope for the world to be at peace.
2. We share kindness.
3. We love all peoples.
4. We experience joy in the world around us.
5. We accept all religions.
6. We accept those who doubt.
7. We do what we can to help others.
8. We protect our earth.
9. We love our church family.
10. We celebrate God.
November 24th, 2024.

Sunday School & Children's Time
Our Sunday School program runs during morning services and includes activities for children of different ages. The lessons encourage children to grow in awareness of God's love and care in their everyday lives through games, crafts, discussion, and storytelling. If your child is interested in attending Sunday School contact us for more information.
Play School
This independently run co-op Play School welcomes children ages four and younger to join them on weekdays, from September to June. They create a safe and positive environment for kids to enjoy games, activities, crafts and discussion. If you would like more information, contact them today below.